Statistics might show that sales of new cars in Ireland are up an impressive 28% on this time last year, but there’s still plenty of people out there that don’t have the disposable income to splash out on a new motor.
And given that the comparatively low sales of new cars during the last number of years has resulted in a shortage of competitively priced second hand cars on the market at present, many of us won’t be getting a motoring upgrade anytime soon.
But here’s the thing – many cars built in the last 10 – 15 years can now go 200,000 to 300,000 miles if they are properly cared for. Your vehicle might feel old and run down, but if she’s still running there’s plenty of cost-effective ways you can utilise to galvanize the old motor.
Clean It
First things first, CLEAN YOUR Car! And, I’m not just talking about a half-hearted hovering of the interior either. Get rid of the accumulated clutter and rubbish, and then get yourself some shampoo / cleaning products for the carpet, upholstery and dashboard. There’s also a wide range of products available for giving your wheels a clean sheen.
Interior Styling
So, you bought the cleaning products and applied some much needed elbow grease. The car is already looking much improved. But cleaning will only go so far. It’s only natural that after years on the road the interior is also feeling the effects of wear and tear. Thankfully, it’s not going to cost an arm and a leg to revitalise that drab interior.
Just because your car doesn’t have the fancy mod-cons that are commonplace in a lot of mid-range vehicles today doesn’t mean you can’t install them in your aging motor. Start streaming your extensive music collection on Spotify through your phone with a Bluetooth enabled stereo system. Avoid penalty points with a hand-free kit. These additions don’t exactly transform your vehicle into a smart-car, but they do make practical improvements and enhance your driving experience.
So, you have the interior spruced up. You have some new accessories on-board. Now it’s time to turn your attention to the exterior. Start by giving your headlamps a proper scrub, before moving onto the paint job. You’d be amazed what a difference this can make with some basic products and a little know how. If you have a little cash left over you could look at getting some new mud flaps or wheel trims.